Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hard work is hard

And we've got a lot of work to do...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

CDV 2008

The Hardcade Project has made itself repre-
sentative at the

Congresso de Desarrolladores de Videojuegos, Spain's own GDC.
Amongst quality liquor, praises towards our University, hyping our game and good advices from the spokespeople, The Hardcade Project returns to its lairs to down some more pizzas, forget all of it and improve focus on development!

Attendants and chinese prostitutes go by the name of:
- Alvaro Vasquez , GRIN studios
-Enrique Saiz , VIRTUAL TOYS
-Daniel Medrano, PYROS studios
-Daniel Blazquéz, EXELWEISS
-Felipe Busquets, ROCKSTAR NORTH
-Ricard Pillosu, CRYTEK
-Xiang Lee , MOONBEAM services

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

We Suck Old Blood


Still no trailer available yet the script has been leeked. Stallone claims to have pitched it to the likes of Stanley Kubrick and Roman Polanski for direction.

Yeah , right.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Hardcade Crew salutes you!

Hi there! Welcome to The Hardcade Project.
We are a group of students coursing the Videogame Creation Master at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona.

This is our brand new dev-blog, and its pourpose is to keep you updated about our project evolution.
(Ok, I admit, this is also a great self motivation and promotion tool)

Ok, by now I just wanted to introduce ourselves, so here we are:

Our group is composed of 4 programers and 2 artists.
So, in our (future) game credits you'll probably see something like this:
-Programers : Alex Urbano, Jacobo Andreu, José Rodolfo Freitas and Sergi Montaner (that's me)
-Artists: Alexandre Piedade and Pau Terol
-X cokes and Y pizzas were invested in the development of this game.

We are just starting to sort things out. It means playing a lot of games (life's hard, I know) , drawing concepts, designing the gameplay, the plot, and all that stuff.

That's all for today. Welcome on board!
See you soon! And don't forget to subscribe to our rss.

PD: Sorry for my Engrish.