Monday, December 15, 2008

The Harcade project proudly presents Vapor Mayhem: a Hideous Heart Beat

Hi again, it's been few posts since we first introduced our project, and we haven't told you anything about the game yet.

Time to solve this! Now we're finishing the design document, so we can explain how the game will finally be.

As it's been said, we're doing a videogame for the UPF videogame creation master. Our intention is to create a fast, addictive, hardcade game.

It's called Vapor Mayhem and its all about a girl's revenge in a Steampunk universe, where some clumsy robots have devastated the character's homeland. Why? You'll see! xP
More o less this is the main plot.

About the main character: She is a sexy young girl with a mechanical implanted arm. (yeah, now the concepts make more sense) who is constantly hearing some kind of music.

We also want to make it look like if it were a Sci-Fi novel written by Edgar Alan Poe, to conmemerate his 150th death aniversary (next year). So there will be some Poe literature elements involved in story.

The game mechanics:

The main idea is to create a shooting game, Devil May Cry style, where the player doesn't need to worry about aiming.
Otherwise, there will be a rithmical beat that the player is meant to follow to unleash special attacks (rythmical quick time events), so the music is an important element in our game.

Thats all for today.
See you!


José Rodolfo C. de Freitas said...

long live to vapor mayhem!

Nadia The Witch said...

Seems cool!
Wanna see more ;)
Keep us informed!
And more concept art please, cause I really like the pictures you've posted ^^


Pheonix said...

Much appreciated ,Nadia!
Ara anem tots a nostras merecidas vacances de nadal i ja tornem en força!